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Our Story

Our journey as Hamrah Group began years ago, sparked by heartfelt conversations with a close friend who was among the founders of
Yaran Jaame Association… in Iran.

It was from these profound discussions that our mission to aid the most vulnerable children in our previous homeland took root, and we started this group back in 2020 to fulfill that mission…

Hamrah is a Farsi word and means someone who accompanies you, supports you, holds your hand and has your back, in a journey as short as a 10-minute walk or as long as life.

We are a group of Iranian-Canadians, striving to help underprivileged children in rural areas of Iran through local NGOs.

Read our story to see how our journey started and what exactly we are trying to do.

We need you

Join us as we work tirelessly to empower children and provide them with the tools they need to thrive and succeed. Your support is crucial in shaping a better tomorrow for our youth, and together, we can truly make a difference.

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